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Campsite And Work Day For The Long Journey Across MT

I got up early and decided to wash the rig before the other campers woke up. Not sure if I was allowed to or not, but I did.

My campsite is not far from the main road where all the construction is going on. I had to listen to jack hampers and trucks coming down the mountain with their jay breaks on. The picture of the crane up on the side of the mountain; which did not look comfortable on the side of the hill, was jack hammering the rock.

I went up town to explore. It’s an interesting old town from 1867 with so much history. After lunch I jumped on Smiley and decided to ride up this steep hill to Boot Hill where Wild Bill Hickok was buried in 1867. Smiley crawled right up and there was a nice look out over the city, with a very old grave yard. I came back and made phone calls for a camp site in Belle Fourche, SD. I just got a call this afternoon that I will be in their big parade over the Fourth Of July. This is their 100 year Anniversary and I hear it is the oldest rodeo in the US! I am getting so excited!

River Camp grounds found a place for me just 5 miles south. So I will be close to where they are lining everyone up.

I also found a John Deere dealership about 3 miles east of town so I am planning to putt over there to get my oil changed. Then I will be good for another 2,500 miles. I want to try to get out of here around 6:30 am, because there is a large mountain that I need to cross right out of town and they are doing construction on the road and only one lane is open for a mile. I would be holding up traffic if I waited too long. I took Smiley up and talked to them and they said they won’t be starting till 7:00 am.